A primary challenge identified during the planning phase of the project was that survivors lacked the information needed to make informed choices and lacked necessary support to seek and secure services and legal relief that protect themselves and their children. Also, more than half of family court litigants represent themselves without an attorney, and they reported struggling with the unfamiliar and often intimidating court environment and procedure. To provide an additional resource for self-represented litigants, a new position, called the navigator, was created to help litigants navigate their family court cases. The Multnomah family court judges also committed to improving their handling of cases with self-represented litigants, creating a script for every judge to use in such cases, with information and guidance on how to proceed at court hearings. Finally, the site developed and revised materials, including print materials and videos, which were also posted to the court's website, to provide information and guidance.
- How To Serve Legal Papers in Oregon
- Safety Considerations in Parenting Plans
- Prepare for Your Hearing
- Steps to Starting a Divorce or Custody Case
- Cómo Notificar a Alguien de un Proceso Judicial en Oregon
- Consideraciones de Seguridad en los Planes de Visitas de Crianza
- Prepárese Para su Audiencia
- Pasos Para Iniciar un Proceso de Divorcio y Custodia de los Hijos